Sunday 3 July 2011


whats this like?

MAL Signature

this is the mal signature i want :)

Saturday 3 July 2010


I am in a fit of rage >:| i am so mad and i really dont know whyyyyy...god so mad not even joking here...i should be happy im going on holiday tomorrow but no supper angry...slamming doors and throwing things...ahaha looking back ''hmm like 5mins''lol its funny cause i puched some biscuits and some bread ha
God thowhat the hell am i doing...i am iam an angry person :@
so i needed say something to someone or have a rant and as i dont have anyone i had to go to this...not that anyone reads this anyway...i hate me

Sunday 20 June 2010

mean me

I have ate to much candy floss and lots of other was the fair yesterday and it was fun although there was a cold wind the sun was out and my face has been burnt...bad times
..we(as in me and me friends) went to me friends house as we where going to sleep at hers in a we where all there trying to get it up with no idea what to do...and tbh i didnt want to help because only a few weeks back i had this bbq and tent sleepover thing and when i was putting the tent hardly no-one helped so i just didnt feel like helping....but i did end up helping...a bit ><...but in the end it was so cold and not compfy i was right in the door and because it was not put up wascold to say the last hehe...I left kinda early without helping to put the tent down and tbh i feel rather mean...and thus starts my cycle of eating to feel better...there and other reasons why i feel bad and eat its not just the so...scared about the upcoming exam and wel i have only myself to blame

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Cause I had a bad day =|

I just needed to talk or something about this i dont know why but today was just a bad bad day...well actually it started out off college now so im suposed to be reviseing but tbh iv been watching anime or reading manga basically slacking...but anyway so for the most part it was a good day reading yaoi...drools...but then i started doing some work and my laptop crashed and then i lost my work so i decided to eat the sad face away and that made me feel worse and then i dont know ahhh bad bad hour or so =((

Saturday 1 May 2010

Anime cake

well this is the final i posted before about the cake i wanted for my 18th

well i made it and this is it ><.............

if you want to see ho its was made..for some reason lol...check out my youtube

i forgot to take a picture before i cut it sorryyy

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Angry day and Tetsuya Nomura

Today my day was going good...i had a nice dress on and my awesome jacket i made...well less made more stuck an Uchiha symbol on the back haha...well it was a good day and i dont know it all started going down hill and i dont know why...i get home and i fancy something really tasty to eat...well all i found was coco pops...hmm well i go to put milk on and of course there is none and i get so angry that i had to throw the bowl across the room...and you know when you have no way of getting your anger out so you just have to slam doors...well i did all that...arhh im just soo annoyed

On top of that....I am doing a illustrated report and i have to research two artist that link to my of mine is Tetsuya Nomura and i can not find the information that i need on him...and its not like i can just go up to him and be like 'so, what software do you use?' i really love his designs obviously over-wise why would i research him but im just getting annoyed of seeing the same info over and over again and my art teacher is like...well she is not really clued up on the game and anime type scene =|

Well another thing that is really pressing my grapes lol well on the topic of this joint party with my friend for our 18th i just feel totally excluded form the preparation and friends mum has just taken over it seems...she wont give me the number of the Dj and i want to ring him so i can ask to get some of my type songs on the play anime ones...ha well its just really annoying me...i know its stupid...Sorry Lucy =(

Its like iv hit a brick wall and i just cant get over it...and now iv just stopped trying....instead of going forward its like iv froze and given up...i might be a bad day but i dont know...i think everything's just built up...i need to chill but dont have time...and im sad that in about 2 months everyone's going away to uni and everything's changing and i hate it...i hate that...ohh i don't know...i will shut up now