Saturday 3 July 2010


I am in a fit of rage >:| i am so mad and i really dont know whyyyyy...god so mad not even joking here...i should be happy im going on holiday tomorrow but no supper angry...slamming doors and throwing things...ahaha looking back ''hmm like 5mins''lol its funny cause i puched some biscuits and some bread ha
God thowhat the hell am i doing...i am iam an angry person :@
so i needed say something to someone or have a rant and as i dont have anyone i had to go to this...not that anyone reads this anyway...i hate me

Sunday 20 June 2010

mean me

I have ate to much candy floss and lots of other was the fair yesterday and it was fun although there was a cold wind the sun was out and my face has been burnt...bad times
..we(as in me and me friends) went to me friends house as we where going to sleep at hers in a we where all there trying to get it up with no idea what to do...and tbh i didnt want to help because only a few weeks back i had this bbq and tent sleepover thing and when i was putting the tent hardly no-one helped so i just didnt feel like helping....but i did end up helping...a bit ><...but in the end it was so cold and not compfy i was right in the door and because it was not put up wascold to say the last hehe...I left kinda early without helping to put the tent down and tbh i feel rather mean...and thus starts my cycle of eating to feel better...there and other reasons why i feel bad and eat its not just the so...scared about the upcoming exam and wel i have only myself to blame

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Cause I had a bad day =|

I just needed to talk or something about this i dont know why but today was just a bad bad day...well actually it started out off college now so im suposed to be reviseing but tbh iv been watching anime or reading manga basically slacking...but anyway so for the most part it was a good day reading yaoi...drools...but then i started doing some work and my laptop crashed and then i lost my work so i decided to eat the sad face away and that made me feel worse and then i dont know ahhh bad bad hour or so =((

Saturday 1 May 2010

Anime cake

well this is the final i posted before about the cake i wanted for my 18th

well i made it and this is it ><.............

if you want to see ho its was made..for some reason lol...check out my youtube

i forgot to take a picture before i cut it sorryyy

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Angry day and Tetsuya Nomura

Today my day was going good...i had a nice dress on and my awesome jacket i made...well less made more stuck an Uchiha symbol on the back haha...well it was a good day and i dont know it all started going down hill and i dont know why...i get home and i fancy something really tasty to eat...well all i found was coco pops...hmm well i go to put milk on and of course there is none and i get so angry that i had to throw the bowl across the room...and you know when you have no way of getting your anger out so you just have to slam doors...well i did all that...arhh im just soo annoyed

On top of that....I am doing a illustrated report and i have to research two artist that link to my of mine is Tetsuya Nomura and i can not find the information that i need on him...and its not like i can just go up to him and be like 'so, what software do you use?' i really love his designs obviously over-wise why would i research him but im just getting annoyed of seeing the same info over and over again and my art teacher is like...well she is not really clued up on the game and anime type scene =|

Well another thing that is really pressing my grapes lol well on the topic of this joint party with my friend for our 18th i just feel totally excluded form the preparation and friends mum has just taken over it seems...she wont give me the number of the Dj and i want to ring him so i can ask to get some of my type songs on the play anime ones...ha well its just really annoying me...i know its stupid...Sorry Lucy =(

Its like iv hit a brick wall and i just cant get over it...and now iv just stopped trying....instead of going forward its like iv froze and given up...i might be a bad day but i dont know...i think everything's just built up...i need to chill but dont have time...and im sad that in about 2 months everyone's going away to uni and everything's changing and i hate it...i hate that...ohh i don't know...i will shut up now

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Anime cake

Yay well after i stupidly deleted the last cake design that i had came up with i said to myself that i was not going to make another...but i ended up making one...this time i put more characters on then what where on the last one.
so this is my cake that i want for my 18th party ><

I used photo shop and i do not own any of the images on the cake...i just found them on different websites..i chose them because they are cute..(if you are the creator of any of these images and do not wish me to use them, then please tell me) disclaimer out of the way..i dono if i had to do one but i though i best had
so now i need this cake to be made...people say that if you take a picture to places like tesco they will put it on a cake otherwise im going to have to get a lot of food colouring haha ><
It might look a bit busy but its ful of things i love...i thought that in the left corner thats where the candles will be and i thought it would be awesome if i got like a kunai and stuck it in ahaha yea but you can buy like little bleach swords that could work...haha probs look rather silly if i just stuck a katana in there hehe :P

Getting healthy

Hmmm i would say that i am one of the laziest ppl in the world and i dont exactly eat the best food in the i thought to myself that i would try to get healthy starting in this Easter holiday of college...well for the start i have not done anything at all remotely healthy/exercise so last night i was lead in bed(you know like you do when you cant sleep and you just think about stuff)and i decided to go out for a run in the morning...bearing in mind that it was like 1.30 in the morning and i was planning to go running at like i spent the next hour or so thinking about what i could wear to go for this 'run' which i could imagine would just get as far as the top of my road i am not the most sporty person the only thing it seemed that i could wear where a top and i had to squeeze into my old PE shorts from back in high school haha yea ><
as you can imagen this morning i did not get up at seven more like 10.30 and now it looks so cold and wet outside that im feeling that i might just stay in and watch some anime...or try get some work done...douhgtful tho haha............well i could say that i want to loose some weight and get into shape but lets be honest...its yea ppl might think that easter eggs are just for kids but screw that im going to be eating loads >< and then all my hard work...or lack of it will be worn of hmmmm...i guess as long as i get into shape by the time i go on holiday with my friends to some place in turkey cause they are all super thin....i feel like im one of thoes gils that obsess about there weight...hmmm maybe i need to talk to Gok Wan :P

Monday 29 March 2010


In my 'about me' section part i put that i live in my fantasy dream world where i am looking for someone...haha that probs sounded rather strange but its true...i dont know this person at all...hmm i have the felling that their some sorta vampire type person...something i do alot is daydream and i always find they stumble into my aydreams...yea i know you probly think i am sort of a really crazy person...haha thats probly true...but they are out there somewhere and i will find them

...but really how fun is it to daydream ooo or do you ever listen to music and come up with a sanario that would just work great if that music was playing in a fight or i you know in RE at the end of second year( i have to do RE cause its a catholic not catholic tho i think im into the spirit and soul...ghost or maybe when we die we go into a world like what our dreams are like and the cycle just continues) well to get back to what i was saying we had to write our name on a piece of paper and send it around the class...poeple had to write something nice about you...someone write on mine 'your weird, but in a good way' haha which i actually really liked...but i dont want to be normal ><

hmmm i do sound crazy :D

First Blog

hmm well iv never done any blog i probs sound silly hehe

I guess i only thought it would be cool if this turned out like in 'koko ni iru yo' hmm maybe doughtful tho ><

Well today was not really a successful day haha...its coming up to my 18th birthday and me and my friend are having a joint birthday me the cake is super important...i don't know why its like I'm obsessed with cake haha i do love to eat it a lot tho...yea so i want this really awesome cake but my friend is not the biggest fan of cake so she doesn't really care...i was looking around at cake decorates and it seems that they can get really really expensive...something like £80 which to me is just silly...i do love to make cake and sometimes get asked by my friends to make there birthday I'm considering making my own..if thats not to sad(not they i dont think it would be but my friend was like'your not making your own cake are you, cause that would be pretty sad') and that just got me thinking that it might be. i want this cake to be all animeish and Japanese which i guess would be easier if i could make it myself...hmm i dono

omg i actually can not believe this...i spent like half my day finding the perfect picture's of like chibi sasuke and Ciel..and put them on this plain iced cake picture that i found...i spent ages changing the angle to make it look really good i even had a kunai stuck in it with a shadow and everything...i was going to put the pic with this blog to show my cake design that i had come up with and its been deleted or something :@ i stupidly didnt save it and then my laptop turned of cause it ran out of battery and now its gone:*(...i really cant believe iit :( so annoyed. I was really happy with it tooo it had Sasuke, Naruto, Ichigo, Hibari, Deidara, L, Ciel and i even writ in Japanese on it..jeeze wel now i fell kinda poo.. cant believe that i didnt save it i mean how stupid

...hmm well hopefully my next blog will be slightly happier..god im annoyed )= ha well that was probs some sorta karma o well ><