Monday 29 March 2010


In my 'about me' section part i put that i live in my fantasy dream world where i am looking for someone...haha that probs sounded rather strange but its true...i dont know this person at all...hmm i have the felling that their some sorta vampire type person...something i do alot is daydream and i always find they stumble into my aydreams...yea i know you probly think i am sort of a really crazy person...haha thats probly true...but they are out there somewhere and i will find them

...but really how fun is it to daydream ooo or do you ever listen to music and come up with a sanario that would just work great if that music was playing in a fight or i you know in RE at the end of second year( i have to do RE cause its a catholic not catholic tho i think im into the spirit and soul...ghost or maybe when we die we go into a world like what our dreams are like and the cycle just continues) well to get back to what i was saying we had to write our name on a piece of paper and send it around the class...poeple had to write something nice about you...someone write on mine 'your weird, but in a good way' haha which i actually really liked...but i dont want to be normal ><

hmmm i do sound crazy :D

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