Monday 29 March 2010

First Blog

hmm well iv never done any blog i probs sound silly hehe

I guess i only thought it would be cool if this turned out like in 'koko ni iru yo' hmm maybe doughtful tho ><

Well today was not really a successful day haha...its coming up to my 18th birthday and me and my friend are having a joint birthday me the cake is super important...i don't know why its like I'm obsessed with cake haha i do love to eat it a lot tho...yea so i want this really awesome cake but my friend is not the biggest fan of cake so she doesn't really care...i was looking around at cake decorates and it seems that they can get really really expensive...something like £80 which to me is just silly...i do love to make cake and sometimes get asked by my friends to make there birthday I'm considering making my own..if thats not to sad(not they i dont think it would be but my friend was like'your not making your own cake are you, cause that would be pretty sad') and that just got me thinking that it might be. i want this cake to be all animeish and Japanese which i guess would be easier if i could make it myself...hmm i dono

omg i actually can not believe this...i spent like half my day finding the perfect picture's of like chibi sasuke and Ciel..and put them on this plain iced cake picture that i found...i spent ages changing the angle to make it look really good i even had a kunai stuck in it with a shadow and everything...i was going to put the pic with this blog to show my cake design that i had come up with and its been deleted or something :@ i stupidly didnt save it and then my laptop turned of cause it ran out of battery and now its gone:*(...i really cant believe iit :( so annoyed. I was really happy with it tooo it had Sasuke, Naruto, Ichigo, Hibari, Deidara, L, Ciel and i even writ in Japanese on it..jeeze wel now i fell kinda poo.. cant believe that i didnt save it i mean how stupid

...hmm well hopefully my next blog will be slightly happier..god im annoyed )= ha well that was probs some sorta karma o well ><

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